Sistering Call to Action: Jessica, Wender and Baby Agnes
Jessica had her baby! For those of you who don't know Jessica, she is my deeply beloved Brazilian sister, daughter of the magnificent Val. For those of you who don't know Val, she is one of my life long soul mates and the kind of human who reminds other humans what humans are capable of being (ie: light bearing, love wielding, creativity nurturing, community building, joy conduits). Jessica and her wonderful partner Wender, welcomed baby Agnes into the world this past July. This week Jessica's bank account was hacked and her savings account was emptied. Unfortunately, due to a lot of complex factors, there isn't much recourse for this kind of thing in Brazil and Jessica is simply left without the money she saved. This sistering call to action is intended to help Jessica and Wender replenish their savings and pay their upcoming bills, as well as give their new family some padding as they navigate sky rocketing gasoline prices in Rio and a job that requires the use of a car. Any amount helps substantially, particularly given the current value of the US dollar. If you are compelled, you can make a donation via Venmo to the handle @Jocelyn-Steury. In the memo please write the word, Sistering.
Every day I gather more conviction that giving and receiving forever end up trading places in the endless circle of love. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.